Pons Medical Research

Cost Of Gestational Surrogacy

The Cost Of Gestational Surrogacy programs at our agency are fixed. The payments are done in several instalments according to the development of the pregnancy. It is not necessary to pay the whole amount at once.

surrogacy cost in ukraine

Surrogacy cost is a matter of controversy, is it as cheap in Georgia or Armenia as everybody says? Does it mean that the quality is low and the risks are high? 

Why is the price low?

First, we need to point out that a Surrogacy program is a sum of many different costs. On one side we have all medical costs associated with the IVF procedures, genetic tests, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, and all other medical costs before the pregnancy, plus the costs connected with the pregnancy care, consultations of the surrogate mother, monthly screenings, medicines, delivery, etc. And one the other side we have the Cost Surrogacy associated with the compensation of the donor of oocytes and the surrogate mother herself.

We can roughly say that the Cost Of Gestational Surrogacy program can be divided into 2 equal parts, the compensation of the surrogate mother and the oocyte donor is around 50% of the cost while the other 50% will be expended in the medical procedures, medical tests, pregnancy care, medicines, delivery and the profits of the specialized agency, the profits being not more than 10-15% of the whole Cost Surrogacy of the program.

From the data above you can easily see that the main reason for a low Cost Surrogacy in Georgia, Ukraine, or Armenia is a direct consequence of a much lower compensation for both the egg donor and the surrogate compared with the amounts paid, for instance, in the United States. The cost of a Surrogate in the United States starts from 75.000 USD or 4 times more than in Georgia. The compensation of oocyte donors in Georgia is also around 5 times lower than in North America and other rich European countries.

Only in compensations, American couples can save 60.000 USD or more.

The medical expenditures are also lower albeit not in the same proportion. Medical equipment is overall expensive and has top quality in most Georgian and Armenian reproductive clinics. The prices of medical procedures are normally quite cheap for the local population but more expensive for foreign patients. In general, the Cost Of Surrogacy medical procedures is 2-3 times cheaper in Georgia or Armenia compared to the United States including the cost of complex genetic and other specific medical tests.

Surrogacy agencies

Finally, surrogacy agencies in Armenia and Georgia do not ask for the extremely high fees that their American counterparts ask for. With quite affordable, even negligible fees according to American standards that may vary from 5000 USD to 10.000 USD, much lower than the 50.000 USD initial fee of most surrogacy agencies in America.

Making a quick calculation, you can easily conclude that starting a Surrogacy program in Georgia or Armenia will save you a huge amount of money in terms of the Cost Of Surrogacy, up to 100.000 dollars for Americans. But the big question is, will I succeed? Will I have the same medical conditions I am used to? Obviously not but we can assure you that most IVF clinics in these countries keep themselves technologically updated. A big plus in this picture is that the staffs working in these clinics is highly educated, trained in the most advanced medical techniques, and well-informed and updated about the most recent discoveries of reproductive medicine.

Will I have the quality I deserve if I apply for a Surrogacy program in Eastern Europe? Absolutely. Pons Medical Research specializes in Surrogacy programs in Georgia and Armenia. As an experienced company specializing in genetics and reproductive technologies, we perform all our procedures in line with the corresponding European standards, which translate to patient success and excellent service.

Are you still unsure?

Write to us for detailed information about our services. 

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