Pons Medical Research

Georgia Surrogacy Laws

Leis de barriga de aluguel da Geórgia

If you are considering surrogacy and are in search of a safe and dependable option, Georgia, Europe, is an ideal destination for you. With its advantageous surrogacy laws, this country is a favored choice for European and US citizens who are looking to initiate or grow their families through surrogacy.

This article will provide an in-depth examination of the surrogacy process in Georgia, covering the legal prerequisites, the surrogacy journey, and the associated costs.

Surrogacy Laws in Georgia Country

The surrogacy laws in Georgia are particularly advantageous for Europeans and USA citizens, thanks to the country’s well-defined legal framework and robust protection of reproductive rights.

The international surrogacy community recognizes Georgia as a dependable option for surrogacy arrangements. A significant benefit for prospective parents is the uncomplicated legal procedure that offers clarity and assurance.

Unlike certain other countries, Georgia’s legislation explicitly defines the rights and obligations of all parties involved in a surrogacy agreement, providing confidence and peace of mind for intended parents. The country’s dedication to upholding reproductive rights ensures that both the surrogate and the intended parents are safeguarded throughout the surrogacy process.

Georgia Country Surrogacy

Surrogacy in Geórgia presents a favorable option for many families, attracting both Europeans e USA citizens seeking robust international surrogacy arrangements. Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, Georgia’s surrogacy laws and comprehensive reproductive rights framework make it an appealing choice for intended parents.

Understanding the Surrogacy Process

The surrogacy process in Georgia involves a series of well-defined medical e legal steps that ensure the protection and consent of both intended parents and surrogate mothers.

During the initial consultation stage, you will meet with reproductive specialists to discuss the surrogacy journey, expectations, and medical procedures involved. Once you are matched with a suitable surrogate, medical screenings and evaluations will be conducted to ensure the health and compatibility of all parties involved.


Legal Agreements in Georgia

Legal agreements outlining rights, responsibilities, and financial arrangements will then be drafted and signed by both parties. Throughout the process, emotional support and open communication between you as the intended parent and the surrogate mother are crucial for a successful and respectful surrogacy experience.

Surrogacy Laws in Georgia

The surrogacy laws in Georgia offer a comprehensive legal structure that guarantees the safeguarding of all parties engaged in the process, encompassing intended parents and surrogate mothers. This legal framework contributes to positioning Georgia as a desirable choice for international surrogacy agreements.

Overview of Surrogacy Laws in Georgia

O surrogacy regulations in Georgia are designed to provide legal protection and clarity for all parties involved, with a strong emphasis on the enforceability of surrogacy agreements. Regulations safeguard the rights and interests of intended parents and surrogate mothers throughout the surrogacy process.

In Georgia, intended parents are granted legal recognition e parental rights over the child born through surrogacy. Surrogate mothers are also protected under the law, with provisions in place to secure physical and emotional well-being during the pregnancy and beyond.

Clear and comprehensive surrogacy agreements are binding in establishing the rights and responsibilities of each party, minimizing potential disputes and uncertainties down the road.

Surrogate Georgien

In Georgia, surrogacy prices vary from 35,000 USD to 55,000 USD).

During the last few years, IVF and surrogacy in Georgia have developed enormously, and new opportunities for international couples have arisen. Lastly, the country has seen the opening of several new IVF clinics equipped with the most advanced technology, which gives more possibilities for treatment not only for local or Middle-Eastern patients but for patients all around the World.

Comparável com a Ucrânia ou a Rússia, aqui você pode solicitar tratamento para infertilidade e barriga de aluguel, mesmo que não seja casado. De acordo com a legislação da Geórgia, é possível para casais heterossexuais, embora ainda não seja possível para pais solteiros. As doadoras de óvulos aqui não são anônimas, então você pode conhecê-las pessoalmente e até assinar um contrato em cartório junto com sua mãe de aluguel.

Nem as barrigas de aluguel nem as doadoras de óvulos têm direitos parentais de bebês nascidos por meio de barriga de aluguel na Geórgia. Os pais pretendidos são escritos como pais legais na certidão de nascimento de um bebê.

Another extremely important advantage here is that in case your country of origin rejects giving citizenship to your baby, you can obtain Georgian citizenship and a travel passport in less than a month. The procedure for such cases is strictly regulated and simplified and takes not more than 3 weeks and a 100 Euros legal fee.

De acordo com nossa experiência, leva muito menos tempo para chegar à Embaixada na Turquia e voltar, do que esperar pela decisão das autoridades ucranianas ou russas sobre a emissão de nacionalidade para o bebê recém-nascido de aluguel.

Advogada: Anna Sukahnova

Leis de barriga de aluguel da Geórgia

Perguntas frequentes

1. What makes surrogacy laws in Georgia beneficial for Europeans and US citizens?

The surrogacy laws in Georgia allow for both traditional and gestational surrogacy, making it a viable option for individuals and couples from both Europe and the USA. Additionally, the cost of surrogacy in Georgia is significantly lower compared to other countries, making it a more affordable option for many.

2. Are there any restrictions on who can pursue surrogacy in Georgia?

Surrogacy is available to any legally married couples, regardless of their sexual orientation, as well as single individuals. However, intended parents must be at least 25 years old and not have any medical conditions that could pose a risk to the surrogate or child.

3. How are surrogates protected under the laws in Georgia?

As leis de barriga de aluguel no estado da Geórgia exigem que um contrato detalhado seja assinado entre os pais pretendidos e a barriga de aluguel, garantindo que os direitos e responsabilidades da barriga de aluguel sejam claramente delineados e protegidos. As mães de aluguel também têm direito a uma compensação por seu tempo e serviços.

4. Qual é o processo legal para estabelecer a paternidade no estado da Geórgia?

Os pais pretendidos devem obter uma ordem judicial que os declare como pais legais da criança nascida por meio de barriga de aluguel. Esse processo normalmente leva de 2 a 3 meses e envolve a obtenção do consentimento da mãe de aluguel e de seu cônjuge (se aplicável).

5. Há alguma restrição ou regulamentação sobre o uso de gametas de doadoras em contratos de barriga de aluguel?

Não, o estado da Geórgia não tem nenhuma restrição quanto ao uso de gametas de doadores em contratos de barriga de aluguel. Isso permite uma gama mais ampla de opções para indivíduos e casais, inclusive casais do mesmo sexo, que podem precisar do uso de gametas de doadores para ter um filho.

6. O que acontece se os pais pretendidos não puderem viajar para o estado da Geórgia para o nascimento de seu filho?

O estado da Geórgia permite o uso de uma procuração para conceder a guarda temporária da criança ao representante dos futuros pais no estado da Geórgia. Isso permite que a criança seja levada de volta ao país de origem dos pais pretendidos sem que eles tenham que estar fisicamente presentes no nascimento.
