Pons Medical Research



Overview of Surrogacy in Germany

Surrogacy in Germany poses several legal hurdles and limitations for couples exploring alternative methods to begin a family. This article examines the existing legal landscape in Germany and the challenges encountered by German couples in the context of surrogacy.

Furthermore, it explores the advantages and guidelines governing surrogacy in Georgia, presenting a feasible alternative for individuals seeking a more attainable and cost-effective approach. The article covers the procedures, prerequisites, expenses, and factors to consider in surrogacy processes in both Germany and Georgia, offering valuable guidance for couples maneuvering through this intricate process.


Current Legal Situation and Restrictions

The current legal situation in Germany strictly prohibits surrogacy arrangements, reflecting a legal framework that imposes significant restrictionslimitations to protect all parties involved.

Under German law, surrogacy is considered a criminal offense, with the practice being punishable by fines and imprisonment. The rationale behind strict laws is primarily focused on upholding the dignity of motherhood and preventing the exploitation of women as mere ‘birth machines’. Germany’s legal stance on surrogacy extends to jurisdictional restrictions, making it illegal for German citizens to engage in surrogacy arrangements abroad.

Surrogacy in Germany 1

Challenges Faced by German Couples

When considering surrogacy as a solution for infertility, you may encounter various challenges, including legal complexities, ethical considerations, and the importance of 情感支持 throughout your journey.

Issues with Surrogacy in Germany

Issues with surrogacy in Germany predominantly stem from stringent legal restrictions and 道德问题, which complicate the establishment of parental rights for couples pursuing this route.

Restrictions in Germany lead to uncertainties and complexities in surrogacy agreements, as the legal framework does not clearly address the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.

For instance, 代孕妈妈 may face challenges in asserting their rights or receiving adequate support during the process. The lack of comprehensive regulations results in disputes over parental rights, especially in cases where the surrogate mother decides to keep the child.

Several court decisions have highlighted the contentious nature of surrogacy arrangements in Germany, further underscoring the need for clearer guidelines and ethical considerations in the realm of assisted reproduction.

Surrogacy in Georgia as a Viable Option

Georgia presents itself as a viable option for 国际代孕, providing a supportive legal framework and streamlined processes for couples in search of an alternative method to expand their families.

Legal Framework and Regulations

The legal framework in Georgia is structured to support surrogacy arrangements, providing regulations that streamline court approval processes and facilitate the issuance of parental orders and birth certificates for intended parents.

To secure court approval, intended parents typically need to submit a petition detailing the specifics of the surrogacy arrangement, including agreements and financial aspects. Following court approval of the surrogacy agreement, a parental order is granted, legally establishing the intended parents as the child’s official guardians. The process concludes with the issuance of the child’s birth certificate, which identifies the intended parents as the child’s legal guardians.

Benefits for German Couples

One of the primary benefits for German couples opting for surrogacy in Georgia is the robust legal protections that secure parental rights that are recognized and upheld throughout the surrogacy process.

Aside from legal safeguards, Georgia offers streamlined surrogacy arrangements that make the entire process more efficient and less complicated for you as a German couple. In contrast to the often restrictive and ambiguous regulations in Germany, benefits in Georgia significantly ease the burden and enhance the overall experience for couples pursuing surrogacy.





Embryo as a Subject of Law

有趣的是,根据德国法律,胚胎受到人类三项基本权利的保护:保护人格尊严、人格自由发展和生命权。 1990 年 12 月 13 日颁布的《胚胎保护法》在其主要条款中表明了这一点。

例如,使用供体卵子、一次将三个以上的胚胎移植到未来母亲的子宫、使女性的卵子受精超过一个周期内可以传播的数量,可处以最高三年的监禁,当然,禁止代孕。此外,在标准杆下。本法第 3、3a 条,无论谁承诺作出 PGD性别选择 出于医疗以外的任何其他原因而对未来婴儿的行为进行处罚,将被处以最高一年的监禁或罚款。




It is curious how strict is the legal system for 捐卵代孕 在德国这样的发达国家。不孕妇女完全不受当地政府的保护,因为她们既不能使用捐卵者,也不能使用代孕母亲。相反,没有任何解释为什么允许捐精。根据德国新的精子捐献法,从2018年7月1日起,捐精者的所有信息都将被纳入特定登记册,任何通过ART技术出生的孩子在年满16岁时都可以获得有关精子捐献者的信息。他的遗传父亲(精子捐献者)。然而,它并没有赋予精子捐献者任何父母的权利,它只是赋予通过 ART 出生的人知道其来源的权利。





首先,在选择您的 代孕妈妈注意她的婚姻状况。为什么有必要?

即使你得到 婴儿出生证明 在外国,您被写为婴儿的合法父母(合法母亲和合法父亲),德国大使馆将不承认此出生证明,您需要在大使馆再次确立您的父亲权利。法律。







在第一种情况下,与婴儿有遗传联系的准父亲必须在领事馆合法地承认孩子, 当代孕妈妈怀孕时,经代母同意。这种认可需要公开证明(通常通过德国大使馆/领事馆网站上的信息表)。一旦孩子被德国公民的预期父亲合法承认,(未出生的)孩子自动获得德国公民身份。




  • 未婚父亲的护照或身份证
  • 代孕母亲的护照或身份证
  • 在进行代孕的国家的合法存在和地址证明;
  • 孩子的出生证明(翻译和加注)
  • 医院的出生证明
  • 对于产前亲子鉴定:怀孕的证据、计算的出生日期和性别[如果确定]应该是明显的)等。




我们想鼓励我们未来的父母,如果他们选择我们作为他们的 佐治亚州的代孕服务提供商,我们将帮助他们解决婴儿出生后可能面临的任何法律困难。值得指出的是,即使德国法律发生变化,使婴儿获得德国国籍变得更加困难,代孕出生的婴儿也有可能获得格鲁吉亚公民身份和护照。该过程很简单,只需不超过三周的时间。


不要犹豫 联系我们 如果出现任何问题。


Costs and Considerations

When you compare the costs of 在格鲁吉亚的代孕 versus Germany, account for various factors such as:

  • surrogate fees,
  • medical procedures,
  • expenses related to travel arrangements,
  • healthcare.

Comparing Costs with Surrogacy in Germany

In Georgia, surrogate fees are lower than in Germany. Medical procedures in Georgia are also more cost-effective, including procedures such as IVF treatments产前护理. Surrogate expenses, such as accommodation and meals, are much more affordable in Georgia.



1. What is surrogacy and is it legal in Germany?

Surrogacy is the process of using a third party to carry and give birth to a child for another individual or couple. In Germany, surrogacy is only legal under strict conditions and is heavily regulated by German law.

2. What are the requirements for surrogacy in Germany?

In order for surrogacy to be legal in Germany, the surrogate mother must be a close family member, and there must be a medical reason why the intended mother cannot carry the child herself. Additionally, the surrogate mother is not allowed to receive any compensation for carrying the child.

3. Can German couples pursue surrogacy in other countries?

Yes, German couples can pursue surrogacy in other countries where it is legal. However, they must still abide by German surrogacy laws and obtain a certificate of parentage from a German court before the child can be recognized as a German citizen.

4. What is the current legal status of surrogacy in Georgia?

In Georgia, surrogacy is legal and regulated by the Law on Assisted Reproductive Technologies. The country has become a popular destination for international surrogacy due to its favorable laws and affordable costs.

5. How does surrogacy in Georgia benefit German couples?

Surrogacy in Georgia is a great solution for German couples as it offers a more affordable option compared to other countries. It also allows the intended parents to have a genetic connection to their child, as the country allows for both traditional and gestational surrogacy.

6. Are there any potential risks for German couples pursuing surrogacy in Georgia?

As with any surrogacy process, there are potential risks involved. It is important for German couples to thoroughly research and understand the legal and cultural differences in Georgia before pursuing surrogacy there. It is also recommended to work with a reputable agency and have a clear contract with the surrogate mother to minimize any risks.
