Pons Medical Research

Qualifications for Surrogacy

The ideal surrogates:

  • Are between the ages of 21-35;
  • Must have given a live birth;
  • 그들은 복잡하지 않은 임신과 출산을 했습니다.
  • 신장과 체중이 잘 비례합니다(BMI는 33 미만이어야 함).
  • 만기 임신 및 분만 경험이 있어야 합니다.
  • 배우자 또는 파트너(해당되는 경우)의 지원을 받습니다.
  • Are willing to adhere to all contractual and medical obligations throughout the process;
  • 신원 조회를 성공적으로 통과할 수 있어야 합니다;
  • 그들은 대리모 절차를 자세히 읽고 이해했습니다.
  • 의사의 지시에 따라 주사를 통해 약을 복용할 의향이 있습니다.
  • Should not smoke or take illegal drugs or be exposed to secondhand smoke;
  • 그들은 의학적 과정과 임신 기간 동안 알코올을 기꺼이 삼가야 합니다.
  • 그들은 그녀 또는 그녀가 안고 있는 아이에게 신체적 해를 입힐 수 있는 성병을 가지고 있지 않습니다.
  • 그들은 정신 질환이 없거나 우울증이나 불안에 대한 약을 복용하지 않습니다.
  • 지난 12개월 동안 문신이나 피어싱을 한 적이 없습니다.
  • 임신을 즐기고 다른 사람들이 가족을 낳거나 더할 수 있도록 돕고 싶다는 소망으로 동기를 부여하고 활기차게 지냅니다.
조지아에서 대리모를 위한 자격

Discover the potential risks and emotional impacts of surrogacy while also presenting alternative options for expanding your family.

Qualifications for Surrogacy

Qualifications for surrogacy encompass a wide range of requirements and eligibility criteria aimed at providing the surrogate is physically, psychologically, and legally prepared to engage in the surrogacy process.

Legal Requirements

Legal requirements for surrogacy entail the necessity of extensive legal documentation and compliance with surrogacy laws, which includes the creation of a detailed surrogacy agreement or contract delineating the rights and responsibilities of all involved parties. Legal documents are important in safeguarding the interests of both the surrogate mother and the intended parents throughout the surrogacy journey.

The legal framework guarantees that all parties are informed about their rights and obligations, thereby minimizing the likelihood of disputes or misunderstandings. Typically, a surrogacy agreement addresses aspects such as compensation, medical procedures, decision-making during pregnancy, and post-birth arrangements. Adherence to legal prerequisites guarantees that all parties navigate the surrogacy process with a comprehensive understanding of their rights and duties.

Physical and Mental Health Criteria

Comprehensive medical tests, a detailed review of the surrogate’s medical history, and a psychological evaluation determine the physical and mental health criteria for a surrogate.

Medical tests assess the surrogate’s overall health, reproductive capacity, and potential risks that could affect the pregnancy or the surrogate herself. Tests typically include blood tests to screen for infectious diseases, evaluate hormone levels, and conduct genetic screening for hereditary conditions that might impact the unborn child.

A thorough review of the surrogate’s medical history helps identify past medical conditions or complications that could influence the pregnancy or the surrogate’s well-being. The psychological evaluation gauges the surrogate’s mental preparedness, coping mechanisms, and emotional stability throughout the surrogacy process.

대리모 프로세스

The surrogacy process is a multi-step journey that necessitates the coordination of surrogacy professionals, a surrogacy coordinator, and a dedicated surrogacy team to guarantee a successful surrogate match and an optimal experience.

Steps and Timeline

The surrogacy process entails several steps and a timeline, starting with an initial surrogacy consultation with a matching program, followed by surrogate selection, background checks, and a series of planned medical and legal procedures that culminate in the birth of the baby.

During the initial surrogacy consultation, intended parents and potential surrogates discuss expectations, desires, and legal responsibilities. The surrogate selection process then begins to find a surrogate who is compatible and acceptable to both parties. Background checks are conducted on potential surrogates to guarantee they are mentally and physically capable of carrying out the surrogacy process.

Once a suitable match is made, the medical and legal processes commence, involving medical evaluations, fertility treatments, and the crafting of a comprehensive surrogacy agreement to safeguard all parties involved.

Compensation for Surrogates

Compensation for surrogates is a necessary aspect of a surrogacy arrangement, with factors that influence compensation, including the surrogate’s previous experience, the specific surrogacy cost structure, and additional expenses accrued during the surrogacy process.

Factors Affecting Compensation

Surrogate compensation is determined by factors such as the surrogate’s experience, specific qualifications, and the provisions outlined in the surrogacy agreement, which collectively shape the compensation package.

The experience of the surrogate holds significant weight in determining her compensation, with more experienced surrogates typically receiving higher compensation due to their proven ability to successfully complete a surrogacy journey.

Additionally, specific qualifications, including past successful pregnancies, absence of certain medical or psychological conditions, and successful completion of psychological assessments, influence the structure of surrogate compensation.

For intended parents working with agencies, factors are carefully considered to guarantee that the surrogate aligns with their needs and expectations for the surrogacy journey. In independent arrangements, intended parents themselves evaluate factors when selecting a surrogate and devising a fair compensation plan that acknowledges the surrogate’s contributions and dedication.

Risks and Considerations

When discussing risks and considerations in surrogacy, it is important to understand the potential risks and emotional impact on both the surrogate and intended parents. Additionally, highlighting the significance of surrogacy ethics is necessary to guarantee a supportive and ethically positive surrogacy experience for all involved parties.

Possible Risks and Emotional Impact

Surrogacy risks and emotional effects can affect both the surrogate and the intended parents, highlighting the importance of comprehensive psychological assessments for all parties involved. Establishing robust surrogacy support systems is necessary to effectively manage and address potential difficulties arising from the process.

From a medical standpoint, risks to the surrogate’s health and emotional well-being may emerge due to pregnancy and delivery complications. Conditions like gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, and placental abnormalities not only pose a significant threat to the surrogate’s health but also contribute to stress and anxiety for the surrogate, the intended parents, and the baby.

The psychological impact of surrogacy on the surrogate can be profound, triggering complex emotions and moral dilemmas that may require professional psychological counseling. Providing adequate emotional support and a strong surrogacy support system is important for assisting all individuals involved in coping with the challenging emotional aspects of the surrogacy journey.

Alternatives to Surrogacy

There are alternative options to surrogacy that offer different ways for intended parents to start a family, providing them with various types of surrogacy that may better suit their personal, medical, or financial circumstances.

Other Options for Starting a Family

There are alternatives to starting a family through surrogacy, including various surrogacy options as well as different approaches such as adoption, fostering, and diverse fertility treatments. Making a well-informed decision regarding surrogacy requires access to detailed surrogacy information and resources.


Adoption involves the legal process of welcoming a child into a family, where the adoptive parent(s) are legally recognized as the child’s parent(s) and assume full responsibility for the child’s upbringing. Adoption options include domestic or international adoptions, closed adoptions with no contact between birth and adoptive families, and open adoptions with varying degrees of contact between adoptive families and birth parents. 

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 14.4 million children worldwide have lost both parents. The adoption process includes home studies, background checks for parents, psychological assessments, and the legal adoption process. Intercountry and independent adoptions have additional legal requirements and necessitate proper documentation such as international passports, visas, and birth certificates.


Fostering entails the temporary placement of a child with a family that is not their own, in private or institutional homes or facilities. Foster parenting provides a safe, stable, and loving environment for children who cannot be with their birth families while meeting their physical, social, emotional, and educational needs. Successful foster placements support the child’s well-being and growth and facilitate reunification with birth families or adoption.

Fertility Treatments

Fertility treatments, known as Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), are medical procedures that aid in the conception of a child. ART includes various fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), artificial insemination, and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). ART and IVF options are available in numerous countries and offer solutions for many couples who may not conceive naturally.

자주 묻는 질문

What are the basic requirements for becoming a surrogate?

To become a surrogate, you must be between 21-45 years old, have at least one previous successful pregnancy and delivery, live in a surrogacy-friendly state, pass a medical and psychological evaluation, and be a non-smoker with a healthy BMI.

Is there a specific educational background or level of education required to become a surrogate?

There is no specific educational background or level of education required to become a surrogate. However, having a high school diploma or equivalent is generally preferred by intended parents.

Do I need to have my own health insurance to become a surrogate?

Yes, you will need to have your own personal health insurance that covers pregnancy and childbirth. This will help cover any medical expenses related to the pregnancy and delivery.

Can I be a surrogate if I have had a previous cesarean section?

It is possible to be a surrogate after having a previous cesarean section, but it will depend on the individual’s medical history and the intended parents’ preferences. A physician will need to evaluate your medical records to determine if you are a suitable candidate for surrogacy.

Are there any legal qualifications to become a surrogate?

Yes, there are legal qualifications that must be met to become a surrogate. This includes being a legal resident of a surrogacy-friendly state, passing a background check, and being mentally competent to make informed decisions regarding the surrogacy process.

Can I become a surrogate if I am currently breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding can often interfere with the fertility process, so it is generally recommended that you wait until you have stopped breastfeeding before starting the surrogacy journey. However, each situation is unique and can be discussed with a surrogacy agency and fertility specialist.