Pons Medical Research

Administrative Part

In order to assign a Surrogate Mother the parents will communicate with the Coordination Manager to discuss with him the different candidates available. Once the Intended Parents are interested in a specific surrogate mother, the coordinator will arrange a Skype interview.

It should be mentioned that due to repeated miscarriages or other medical circumstances and conditions, there is the possibility that the Surrogate is substituted by another during the process. Substitution takes place only to maximize the chances of success after three previous unsuccessful attempts

Parents fill up an online questionnaire on the website mentioning the dates they are willing to participate into the program.

Once the dates are agreed upon, parents begin the donor selection process. In order to select a suitable egg donor, parents should send us a formulary available in the download section of our website. After we have received the formulary we will send 3-6 profiles to the parents so that they can choose a suitable donor on their preferences. The parents will choose the first option donor and a backup donor in case that the first one is not available for some reason.

Once the process of choosing the oocyte donor is finished, the parents will decide the date of the visit and send us copies of their passports, copy of the marriage certificate, copy of the flight tickets and copy of the medical tests (you can find a list of the medical tests required in our website). During the first visit the parents will sign the contract and meet the surrogate mother in person (if possible). Once we have received the first payment in full, the procedures can start. Please take into account that in order to collect and store the sperm the parents are required to pay 400 euro in cash in advance during the first visit.

The next step is egg retrieval and fertilization, after which the embryos are transferred to the surrogate mother. The number of embryos transferred per attempt is two. There is around 30% chance of having twins.

In order to confirm pregnancy, a HCG test is done 14-16 days after the embryo transfer. Parents will receive the test results on the same day or early next morning. If the relevant level of HCG is confirmed by the first test we repeat the process two days after in order to reconfirm the pregnancy. 2 weeks after embryo transfer the first ultrasound is done.

Parents fill up an online questionnaire on the website mentioning the dates they are willing to participate into the program.

When providing their own oocytes the Intended Parents should calculate a stay of around 20 days in Georgia during the first visit. Our IVF doctor needs to have a complete screening of the parents and approve them for participation in the program.

After sending us the full screening, the parents need to send us the passport copies, marriage certificate copy and copy of the flight tickets.

Parents fill up an online questionnaire on the website mentioning the dates they are willing to participate into the program.

Parents must make the arrangements for the embryos to be shipped to our laboratory. The clinic that is storing the frozen embryos has to prepare a detailed report to go along with them. In the report, we need to have information about the number of frozen embryos, number of straws, the grade of each embryo, number of days they were frozen and what method was used to freeze them. In addition, we will need the infectious disease test results (B Hepatitis, C Hepatitis, HIV, syphilis) of both parents.

After the embryos are safely delivered to our laboratory, the parents need to send copies of their passport and marriage certificate to us so that we can prepare the contracts.

This is an important question and we are happy to respond to it in detail:

Our team will be responsible for the periodical medical screening of the surrogate mother and the monitoring of her health status. Parents are more than welcome to share any questions or concerns that they may have during the ongoing process. Parents can also visit Georgia to see their surrogate mother at any time during the pregnancy.

This is a question must be asked and consequently answered for the sake of clarification: if the result of the HCG test is positive but the first ultrasound fails to detect a heartbeat, at this moment, it is considered to be a miscarriage; therefore parents will move on to the next attempt. In the event that a heartbeat is heard and the pregnancy is considered stable, but the fetus stops developing later on, this is considered to be a miscarriage. If the pregnancy must be stopped because of medical reasons it will be considered an abortion. In all cases, the parents will have to give their consent for a new attempt and eventually pay for it (depends of the contract you sign with us).

This is a common question that parents often ask; more specifically, about having a guaranteed number of embryos, which is quite simply not possible. Unfortunately, nobody is able to predict an exact number before the actual egg retrieval, fertilization and cultivation process take place.

As mentioned in an answer to a previous question, our clinic transfers a maximum of two embryos to the surrogate mother per attempt. Any remaining embryos are frozen and kept in the lab for future use.

The contracts we sign with the Intended Parents are available for download on the website for their review in advance. Also to note that, because our contracts are very carefully structured and registered legal documents with the relevant authorities, we are not able to make any change to them on any request.

Contract between the Intended Parents and the surrogate mother is one of the important issues that need very careful attention. According to the Georgia legislation a contract must be signed between the parents and the surrogate mother before the embryo transfer takes place. This contract enables the parents to register their babies under their names and get the birth certificate of the child.

In case of several failed attempts it will be necessary to find a new surrogate mother, and a new contract has to be signed between the new surrogate mother and the Intended Parents. During the first visit the Intended Parents will issue a Limited Power of Attorney on behalf of our company so that we could change the surrogate mother without the Intended Parents´ physical presence in Georgia.

You will have to visit Georgia at least twice; once to provide the sperm (and eventually egg retrieval) and once to take your baby home.

It is also possible for parents who are shipping frozen embryos to send us a Limited Power of Attorney. The Limited Power of Attorney needs to be notarized and authenticated in your own country; only then is the document considered legal. In this case, parents transferring frozen embryos for surrogacy will only need to travel to Georgia once to take their baby to home.

Citizens of EU Countries, USA and C.I.S nations need no visa to visit Georgia for up to 90 days.

You can also get a visa from the Georgian Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

All our clients are provided Top Quality accommodation in Tbilisi.

The answer to this question is a resounding yes! Georgia is a safe Country. Of course, a general measure of safety and street-wise caution applies whenever traveling abroad be it any country. Please, be aware of road traffic conditions and be careful when crossing the street; we offer this advice because every city has its own rhythm, which makes it important to be aware of an unfamiliar environment.

Medical Part

  1. Evaluation of the phenotypic characteristics: height, weight, blood type and Rhesus factor.
  2. Presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
  3. Interview, pelvic ultrasound, registration in the database and provision of the documents.
  4. Ultrasound, tests: bacterioscopy of smears from urethra, vagina and cervix, Pap test, testing for mycoplasma genitalium, chlamydia, Trichomonas and plasma urea.
  5. Psychiatrist’s conclusion about mental health.
  6. Testing for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C.
  7. Breast ultrasound.
  8. TORCH screen.
  9. Pelvic examination and consultation with the results of previous tests.
  10. Pediatric conclusion about the health of the surrogate mother’s own child.
  11. Therapeutic conclusion.
  12. Reproductologist’s consultation with full results of medical testing.

In general, the success rate is very high, 70 to 80 percent when using egg donor oocytes. We have many successful parents that have succeeded at the very first attempt but some individual factors usually affect.

It is totally individual and depends not only on surrogate mother’s capacity and state of health, but also on quality of biological materials. In average you might need 1-3 attempts.

Ladies who smoke, take drugs or consume alcohol are not accepted into any program related to reproductive medicine. As extra measure, all surrogate mothers sign contract that strictly regulates their behavior. It is also envisaged in the contract that surrogate mother will be subject to fines if she violates any paragraph of her contract with Intended Parents, including possible cancellation of contract.

  1. Once the HCG report is positive, and the pregnancy confirmed, your surrogate mother is by that time 2 weeks pregnant.
  2. In the second stage, after confirmation of the HCG, the Early Pregnancy scan is scheduled which is done after 15 days of HCG report, to determine number of gestational sacs (single or twin) with a good cardiac activity.
  3. After that a full screening is done every one and half month.
  1. A calcium supplement:

    Calcium Citrate/Malate equivalent to elemental Calcium 250 mg

    Vitamin D3 IP 400 iu

  2. A multivitamin supplement:

    Iron, Vitamins A, C, B2, B12, folic acid, copper, zinc, magnesium which are significant for blood cell formation and help prevent anaemia.

    Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, D & C which are important for skeletal development of the foetus& to maintain mother’s bone health

  3. An iron supplement:

    Iron 15mg

Legal Part

An Apostle or Apostille stamp is used by a Hague convention compliant country to certify documents.

Moreover, Apostle or Apostille is a stamp you must obtain from YOUR Ministry of Foreign Affairs: its purpose is to authenticate the Marriage Certificate that you need to send to us. The Apostle or Apostille stamp is a pre-printed form prescribed by the Convention. Only those nations party to the Hague Treaty will recognize the apostille certification. For more information please follow theLINK

  • As soon as we receive an enquiry from the parents, we advise them to contact their embassy right away in order to get as much information as possible about the baby registration process.

    We do so because it is important to collect detailed information about the paperwork that the embassy requires to register the child.

    Please be aware that as soon as the baby is delivered, all our obligations and responsibilities will have been met in terms of the program, and they come to an end. Also any flight ticket between your home country and Georgia are not included in the program.


No, according to the legislation of Georgia, the surrogate mother cannot be genetically related to the baby she is carrying for Intended Parents. In case Intended Parents need donor eggs as part of their surrogacy program, an egg donor should be chosen. Surrogate mother cannot be egg donor for your program at the same time. We strongly recommend you to have at least one genetically related parent to the baby in any surrogacy program, as it make the process of citizenship and passport obtaining for your baby via the Embassy much easier in future.

No, according to the Georgian legislation the surrogate mother does not have any parental rights for the baby carried and born for the Intended Parents.

The legislation of Georgia does not have any limitations for foreign citizens to apply and carry out surrogacy programs with Georgia surrogate mothers.

No. As soon as your baby is registered to the names of Intended Parents, and only your names are written in the baby birth certificate, the surrogate mother has no rights to claim the baby and you do not have any obligation to meet the surrogate mother after the baby is handed over to you.