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Surrogacy Legal Aspects in Armenia: Easy Guide

Surrogacy Legal Aspects you need to know

Armenian surrogacy legal aspects make the process as smooth and beneficial as possible for intended parents. The country has favorable laws that recognize the rights of intended parents from the start, making it an attractive destination for surrogacy.

Complicated legal hurdles are absent, as Armenia allows the names of the intended parents to be placed directly on the birth certificate immediately after the child’s birth. A streamlined approach reduces the need for lengthy legal proceedings and additional court orders.

Moreover, Armenia’s legal framework supports a straightforward path to parenthood, which means less stress and more focus on the joy of welcoming your new child. The cost of surrogacy is also relatively lower compared to other countries, providing financial ease along with legal simplicity.

Choose surrogacy in Armenia and benefit from a clear and favorable legal environment. Surrogacy legal aspects in Armenia guarantee that your journey to parenthood is supported by robust laws that prioritize your rights and simplify the process, making it a worthwhile choice.

Surrogacy Legal Aspects Major Differences and Characteristics

Surrogacy Legal Aspects in Armenia
  1. Streamlined Legal Process: Armenia offers a straightforward legal process for surrogacy. The intended parents are immediately recognized as the legal parents, eliminating the need for additional legal proceedings or court orders.

  2. Direct Birth Certificate Registration: The names of the intended parents are directly placed on the birth certificate right after the birth, simplifying the process of legal recognition.

  3. Parental Rights Assurance: The legal framework in Armenia ensures that intended parents’ rights are protected and recognized without ambiguity from the beginning of the surrogacy arrangement.

  4. Cost-Effectiveness: Surrogacy in Armenia is more affordable compared to many other countries, which can significantly reduce financial stress for intended parents.

  5. Welcoming Legal Environment: Armenia’s laws create a supportive environment for surrogacy, attracting international intended parents seeking reliable and legal clarity for their surrogacy journey.

  6. Legal Support: Intended parents have access to experienced legal support throughout the surrogacy process. Surrogacy lawyers help with all documentation, confirming it’s correctly handled and parental rights are legally secured.

  7. International Recognition: Given Armenia’s compliance with international legal standards, the documentation and procedures are widely recognized by other countries, which is crucial for intended parents who reside outside of Armenia.

  8. Privacy and Confidentiality: Armenian law respects the privacy of all parties involved in the surrogacy process. The details of the surrogacy arrangement are handled discreetly to protect the identities and personal information of those involved.

Lawyer Anna Sukhanova Explains Legal Aspects of Surrogacy in Armenia

Surrogacy has been legal in Armenia since 2002. It is important to know that if you are a foreigner in Armenia, surrogacy is only available to legally married couples or single women who can provide their own eggs.

Legal Aspects of Surrogacy in Armenia

There is an age limit for couples and single women: the intended mother cannot be 53 years or older. In practice, we recommend that the intended mother be at least 51 years old.

The intended parents must be present in Armenia at least 2 times; the process cannot be initiated from abroad with the help of a power of attorney.

Egg and sperm donors may not be anonymous. Still, in such a case, a donor contract between the intended parents and the sperm/egg donor, in addition to the surrogacy contract between the intended parents and the surrogate mother, must be signed.

Both the donor contract and the surrogacy contract must be signed in front of a notary.

According to Armenian legislation, the surrogate cannot have a biological link to the child she is carrying. Therefore, the intended parents cannot officially receive the newborn child until a DNA test has been performed. The purpose of this DNA test is to exclude any biological relationship between the child and the surrogate.

The surrogate has no right to refuse to surrender the child to the intended parents. It has no rights or responsibilities over the child once it has been determined that she is not genetically related to the child.

Maternity House registers the child’s birth on the basis of the medical birth certificate, the notarized surrogacy contract between the intended parents and the surrogate, and the DNA test result.

Lawyer: Anna Sukhanova