IVF clinic in Belarus
Family health center “BINA” is situated in Vitebsk city, Belarus, and provides wide variety of services for Belarussian and foreign citizens, who suffer from infertility, as well as other medical services. Established as a common Jewish-Belarusian clinic, “BINA” became one of the biggest IVF centers in Belarus, the main areas of work are: IVF, obstetrics and gynecology, urology and andrology, phlebology, plastic surgery, cosmetology and ultrasound diagnostic.

Being modern, highly equipped medical center, “BINA” offers the whole spectrum of services in the field of reproductive medicine and infertility treatment, starting from the early diagnostic of the problems with reproductive health ending with the IVF treatment and surrogacy.
In “BINA” you can be sure that during your treatment you will be attended by the best specialists in medicine with experience in reproductive field more than 15 years. Specialists of Medical center “BINA” are trained annually and undergo internships and continuing education courses in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Europe.
The Center employs 23 doctors, 18 of which are of the highest qualification category and 5 are the first. Of these, 3 doctors of medical sciences, 5 candidates of medical sciences.