시험관 아기 클리닉

시험관 아기 클리닉

IVF clinic, IVF clinic Belarus, surrogacy Belarus, surrogacy Europe
IVF clinic in Vitebsk, Belarus

가족 건강 센터 "BINA"는 벨로루시 Vitebsk시에 위치하고 있으며 불임으로 고통받는 벨로루시 및 외국인을위한 다양한 서비스와 기타 의료 서비스를 제공합니다. 일반적인 유태인-벨로루시 클리닉으로 설립된 "BINA"는 벨로루시에서 가장 큰 IVF 센터 중 하나가 되었으며 주요 작업 영역은 IVF, 산부인과, 비뇨기과 및 남성과, 정맥학, 성형 수술, 미용 및 초음파 진단입니다.

Israel IVF, Belarussian IVF, IVF Europe, surrogacy Europe, surrogacy Belarus
Experienced staff from Belarus and Israel

Being modern, highly equipped medical center, “BINA” offers the whole spectrum of services in the field of reproductive medicine and infertility treatment, starting from the early diagnostic of the problems with reproductive health ending with the IVF treatment and surrogacy. In “BINA” you can be sure that during your treatment you will be attended by the best specialists in medicine with experience in reproductive field more than 15 years. Specialists of Medical center “BINA” are trained annually and undergo internships and continuing education courses in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Europe.

센터는 23명의 의사를 고용하고 있으며 그 중 18명은 최고 자격 범주에 속하고 5명은 첫 번째 범주에 속합니다. 이 중 의학박사 3명, 의과대학 후보 5명.

BINA Belarus, IVF clinic Belarus, surrogacy Belarus, surrogate mother Belarus, surrogacy Europe
Family center “BINA” in Vitebsk, Belarus

Main Doctor – Yuri Zanko

Director of the Family health center “BINA”, obstetrician-gynecologist, M.D. of the highest category, specialized in Infertility treatment, IVF, miscarriages, menopause problems, treatment of severe menstrual bleeding

Yuri Zanko, IVF spesialist, reproductologist Belarus, IVF Belarus, surrogacy Belarus
Director of Family health center “BINA”, Yuri Zanko

Education and work experience:

1993-1999 – studied in Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University, speciality “Medicine”.

01.06.1998 – 19.07.1999 – Emergency medical aid nurse at Vitebsk Regional Diagnostic Center.

02.08.1999 – 01.08.2000 – Doctor-traineeship in obstetric gynecology at City Clinical Maternity Hospital No.1.

01.08.2000 – 06.08.2002 – physician obstetrician-gynecologist at the Women’s Consultation in Miory city

01.09.2002 – 31.08.2004 – postgraduate training at City Clinical Maternity Hospital № 1.

01.09.2004 – 30.09.2004 – Senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University.

01.10.2004 – 30.09.2007 – postgraduate study on speciality “Obstetrics and gynecology”.

2007년 10월 1일 – 산부인과 조교수

05.12.2007 – awarded the scientific degree of candidate of medical sciences (M.D.), defended his thesis on “Quality of life of women after hystero- and ovariectomy”.

October 25, 2011 – awarded the first qualifying category on qualification obstetrician-gynecologist.

February 19, 2014 – awarded the academic title of assistant professor in the specialty “Clinical Medicine”.

13.01.2015 – 03.06.2016 – Associate Professor of the Chair “Obstetrics and Gynecology” of Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University.

From 06.06.2016 to the present time – Director, obstetrician-gynecologist, reproductologist at the medical center “BINA” Family Health Center.

그는 과학 동료 검토 저널에 실린 27개의 기사를 포함하여 53개의 과학 출판물을 저술했습니다.


2012년 11월 12일 벨로루시 공화국 보건부의 영예 증서가 수여되었습니다.

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