

Surrogacy in Portugal has been one of the most controversial topics during already almost 15 years. From one side, the government voted for quite friendly legislation; from the other side, all these initiatives were abolished by the Constitutional Court as contradicting the Constitution.


葡萄牙 2006 年 7 月 26 日颁布的第 32/2006 号法律和 2016 年 8 月 22 日颁布的第 25/2016 号法律对使用辅助生殖技术作为不孕症治疗方法进行了监管,该法律对与代孕条款相关的第 32/2006 号法律进行了修改,并且2017 年 7 月 31 日颁布的 6/2017 号监管法令规范了代孕的程序问题。


Who can use surrogacy in Portugal?


Any payments to surrogate mothers are prohibited in Portugal and can cause penalties or even 2 years of imprisonment for the intended parents.

The same situation is with intermediary activity (work of agencies) or performing surrogacy program in any other center that one that was authorized by authorities, all these is forbidden.


What is the surrogacy procedure in Portugal?

According to the Regulatory Decree 6/2017, all couples intending to use surrogacy services in Portugal should send their medical and legal documents to the National Council of Medically Assisted Procreation of Portugal according to a specific list and to get their authorization for surrogacy contract conclusion.

Moreover, there should be some kind of “draft form” of the surrogacy contract with its essential provisions protecting the rights of each side of the contract. The procedure of getting such kind of authorization can take from 3 to 6 months.



同时,裁定没有。 2018 年 4 月 24 日,宪法法院第 225/2018 号决议宣布 PMA 法中有关代孕的部分规定(第 25/2016 号法)违宪,这导致 CNPMA(葡萄牙国家医疗辅助生育委员会)宣布在当时已经灭绝正在进行授权程序以签订代孕合同。所以,目前这个程序不起作用。

Regarding donor oocytes, previously, all donors were anonymous. Still, later, the Constitutional Court decided that their data should be available due to the right of children to know their identity. Currently all children born from donor’s gametes have the right to request their data from breeding centers when they reach the age of 18 years old.

This provision makes the process of donor searching much longer and more expensive, as not all donors are ready to be non-anonymous.


2019 年 7 月,共和国议会批准了一项新的立法倡议,在对合宪性进行预防性检查的过程中,两项条款再次被宣布违宪,导致共和国总统将法令退回共和国议会共和国,未经颁布。




在代孕法制定之前,葡萄牙公民应该在国外寻找治疗不育的选择。我们希望鼓励您更多地了解我们的 白俄罗斯的代孕计划。

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