
Surrogacy in Georgia Overview and Benefits

Surrogacy isn’t without its problems, but the advantages outweigh them, and the procedure is well worth it for both intended parents and surrogates. The establishment of a family in a situation where none previously existed is one of the most compelling arguments in favor of Surrogacy. Surrogacy in Georgia fulfills a lifetime desire for intended parents by allowing them to have a genetically related kid. Surrogates have the incredible opportunity to make a life-altering impact when they assist those couples in becoming parents.

Why is Surrogacy a Good Option?

For all involved, including intended parents and gestational carriers, Surrogacy is a potentially life-changing event. It would help if you weighed the benefits of Surrogacy against the time and energy it will demand from you and your partner before deciding to go through with the procedure. Listed below are a few of the most often cited benefits of Surrogacy in Georgia for all parties involved:

  • A New And Promising Approach

Surrogacy and surrogate mothers might be the only viable choice for many couples trying to have a family due to factors like advanced maternal age. They may enjoy the joys of motherhood and help bring a kid into the world in this manner.

  • Appropriate Legal Assistance And Processes

Appropriate legal processes are in place to facilitate this infertility treatment approach in many countries, including Georgia. In comparison to the adoption approach, this one will also have far fewer legal hurdles and complications. To ensure a smooth process for both you and your kid, it is essential to get advice from a qualified medical consulting team.

  • New Connections Are Formed Via Surrogacy

During the procedure of Surrogacy in Georgia, many intended parents create deep connections with their surrogate and her family, which may last a lifetime. These connections can be passed down from generation to generation.

  • There Are Comprehensive Screening Procedures For Surrogates

To guarantee that only the most eligible people are selected for the role of gestational surrogate, every applicant is subjected to a comprehensive screening procedure.

  • Biological Link

The ability to establish a genetic connection between a baby and at least one infertile parent is a significant benefit of Surrogacy compared to alternative procedures, such as adoption.

  • Little Surprises are not involved in Surrogacy in Georgia
All our programs are done under the supervision of an experienced lawyer. Representative of the parents, acts on the basis of the Power of Attorney given to him/her by the Intended Parents in the Notary. Based on this document the contract with the surrogate mother (and the egg/sperm donor if needed) is signed in the Notary. The surrogate mother, as well as the donor, do not have any rights over the baby born via surrogacy. No extra paperwork needed for recognition of parents as legal parents. In Georgia the birth certificate is given directly to Parents, it has their names written. There is no mentioning about surrogacy or egg/sperm donation in the legal documents about birth.

What Is Covered By The Surrogacy Agreement, And How Is The Legal Procedure Carried Out? 

Following the completion of all required screenings and the surrogacy matching process in Georgia, attorneys representing both sides will write the legal contract. These attorneys will negotiate important clauses like:

  • Compensation for a surrogate
  • Expectations and obligations for each party
  • Risks and responsibilities involved
  • We do not make selective abortion in our programs, so if there are twins, surrogate needs to give birth to both babies
  • Any required post-birth paperwork

The Surrogacy in Georgia may start after the surrogacy contract is signed and both parties are satisfied with its provisions.

A Quick Overview of Embryo Transfer

The embryo transfer process is something that many would-be surrogate moms are pretty curious about. You won’t feel any discomfort, and the process is typically quicker than you think. Even though every doctor is unique, be sure that your experience at the IVF clinic will be soothing and reassuring.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) involves the use of a tiny catheter to introduce the embryo into the uterus. Resting more and not to make active movements for three to five days after embryo transfer is something that many IVF specialists advise. To determine whether the transfer was successful, you will need to visit the fertility clinic for an HCG visit and the heartbeat verification. The pregnancy care up to the 12th week of pregnancy is done under the supervision of IVF specialist. If the 12th week time pass, we believe that the pregnancy is stable and after that, the surrogate mother will be able to continue her pregnancy under the care of the usual OB.


The process of Surrogacy in Georgia may be both physically and emotionally taxing, and it takes a unique individual to fulfill the role of a surrogate for children belonging to another family. However, surrogate mothers believe that the most significant benefit is following their journey through to the conclusion and being a part of a whole family.

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