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Below you will find some of the most common pros and cons of Surrogacy for everyone involved in the process.       
Surrogacy in Georgia

Surrogacy Benefits For Intended Parents

For intended parents the benefits of surrogacy seem obvious: as it is a great way to make their dreams of parenthood come true.

However, the hundreds of families who have completed the surrogacy process will assure you that the pros of surrogacy extend far beyond that. Here are just a few of the advantages of surrogacy for intended parents:

  • Surrogacy completes families. For intended parents who have struggled with infertility, sometimes for many years, and for those with medical conditions that make pregnancy unsafe, surrogacy is often the answer to unsuccessful attempts to create a family.
  • Surrogacy allows for genetic connection. Surrogacy unlike adoption, is a kind of fertility treatment that enables one or both the members of the couple to be parents of the future child.
  • Surrogacy creates relationships. Many intended parents develop close relation with their surrogate and her family during the process, establishing meaningful bonds that can last a lifetime.
  • Surrogacy involves few surprises. A legally binding contract outlining everyone’s obligations and expectations will be negotiated and discussed and then signed prior to the embryo transfer, so both the Intended Parents and the surrogate mother will know their rights and duties and what to expect during the surrogacy process.
Surrogacy Benefits

Surrogacy Pros And Cons For Surrogates Mothers

Women considering the to be come surrogate mothers are often asked“Why surrogacy?”, “What’s in it for you?”.

Surrogate mothers have many different reasons for being Surrogate mothers, and each may find different rewards in the experience. Here are just a few surrogacy advantages for these incredible women that make a huge sacrifice for their families and and the Intended Parents:

  • Surrogacy is a rewarding gift. Many women who choose surrogacy do so to give back to another family. It takes a special, compassionate person to become a surrogate. A surrogate can walk away from the experience with a deep sense of pride and satisfaction that they were able to help another family.
  • Surrogacy allows you to experience motherhood. The surrogacy process allows them to experience all of the joys and wonders of pregnancy again, even if their own families are already complete they are still mothers to many kids and in this process they complete many incomplete families.
  • Surrogates enjoy a sense of community. Surrogacy is a great experience, and many surrogates are able to develop deep and close bonds with other women who have completed the process.
  • Surrogates are legally protected. Surrogate mothers enter into a legally binding contract with the intended parents, giving them the opportunity to clearly outline their expectations and responsibilities during the surrogacy process. This always ensures that the surrogate will be fairly compensated.
  • Surrogates are well compensated. In exchange for a yearlong commitment to the intended parents and completing their family, as well as the many physical and emotional demands of pregnancy, the surrogate is well compensated with an amount that may be used to help her achieve future goals and support her family, such as buying a house or paying for her children’s college education.

Read more about Surrogacy and religion in our blog!