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Why is Georgia leading in Surrogacy Programs? Surrogacy in Georgia

Why is Georgia leading in Surrogacy Programs? Surrogacy in Georgia. And why intended parents around the world are preferring Georgia over other countries

Surrogacy in Georgia has great demands across the continents, there is a high sanitary culture of the population and so is the culture of awareness, education, knowledge, and intelligence. A surrogate mother Georgia can carry out her chores comfortably, like giving birth to her child and breastfeeding, taking care and feeding herself properly. In addition, there are several other benefits which you should know about, that you can order a special service in the surrogacy center of the clinics.


Surrogacy in Georgia

When a couple decides to use surrogacy as a reproductive service and find a surrogate, the most critical question is which country to chose. The attention of many married couples is attracted to Georgia because it can be placed on the list of the countries where there’s a usage of the latest reproduction technologies and modern devices, all this at an affordable cost as compared to USA, Canada and other European countries. With India now shut down for foreign intended couples seeking surrogacy, Georgia is the best choice among all the countries providing surrogacy programs.


Whatever the reason for the childlessness of a couple can be, it is often very hurtful and people who wish to have a baby may opt for commercial surrogacy as a way to complete their family. Surrogacy opens the doors to reproductive technologies and the last resort for childless couples.  Surrogacy legal in Georgia. The law optimally regulates all legal questions regarding the possible relationship between the surrogate mother and the genetic parents. A multi-level system of protection for genetic parents have been developed that fully protects them from any legal risk.


The fact that surrogacy is legal in Georgia, allows a strict selection of a volunteer who wants to become surrogate mother Georgia, as physical health and mental condition are checked and only those women who have undergone special tests and showed no bad habits get into the database for election of surrogate mother. The most important thing that is checked is the health of the surrogate mother. 


Georgia is a modern European country which is a benefit for married couples from Europe. Here, the society openly accepts those who resort to surrogacy and understand the importance and necessity of such kind of reproductive technology in certain situations.


The cost of implementing the surrogacy program in Georgia is much lower than in many other countries where the surrogacy program is legal. European service, low prices, and flexible Georgia legislation – these are some of the main reasons why thousands of married couples from all over the world come to Georgia to carry out the surrogacy program.


Medical advancement of the country in reproductive technologies

Georgian medicine has achieved leading positions worldwide in the field of reproductive technologies. The specialists incorporate the latest advances in science and apply them in real situation. At the same time, the prices of modern reproduction technologies in the country are very attractive. If you look at the price-performance ratio of surrogacy proposals in the world, then Georgia can be considered one of the best countries in the world for those who want their surrogate mother to have their child. Pons Medical Research is a leading name in Georgia, when it comes to result oriented surrogacy program management. They definitely take care of the quality and provide good services at an unbeatable cost. You only need to select the desired program from the offer. The rest is done by the professionals, fertility specialists, and expert doctors. With them, you can be sure that soon your family will be replenished and the old dream of the birth of a healthy baby in form of a surrogate child finally comes true.


Robust family law of the country

Georgia is one of the few countries in the world where surrogacy is completely regulated by law. The Family Code of Georgia states that a child born as a result of the use of assisted reproduction techniques is related to the spouses whose genetic material was used for their conception. In contrast to some other countries where a surrogate mother is required to give consent for the registration of the genetic parent as the parent of the child she has delivered and, in principle, to keep the child after the birth of a child, such a possibility is not present in Georgian legislation. 


Traditional surrogacy refers to a biological relationship between a woman – the surrogate mother – and the child to be delivered by her. In Georgia, this procedure of surrogacy is strictly prohibited and is considered as the surrender (sale) by the mother of her own child.


In the case of gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother has no biological connection with the child she has gestated. She carries out an embryo of the biological parents.

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