Pons Medical Research

start a Surrogacy

How to make a decision to start a Surrogacy program?

How to make a decision to start a Surrogacy program?

From the early childhood, family has become the most important part of our life. I’ve always dreamt to have a big happy family with noisy kids and numerous relatives that can gather to spend holidays all together in a big house with New-Years tree or summer barbecue. I don’t know which dreams you have, but I’m totally sure, that if you’re reading this article, children exist in your dreams about a happy life.

Unfortunately, sometimes the road to our happiness is long and windy. Nowadays many couples worldwide face an unfavorable diagnosis – infertility. Of course, the reproductive system problems do not just appear from nowhere. Each case has its own specific reasons, background and circumstances. Even if you have met the most disappointing treatment results, there is no need to despair. Pons Medical is a surrogacy agency that carries out its activities on the territory of Georgia, one of the few countries with exceptionally favorable legislation in the field of reproductive technologies in the whole world besides a highly qualified and customer-oriented medical workforce. We created our Surrogacy program to assist people to find a solution to this crucial question of their life.

The most common reasons why couples decide to apply to Surrogacy are the following:

– Not having a uterus because of a hysterectomy or being born without a functional uterus;

– Significant uterine abnormalities, including uterine scarring (Asherman’s Syndrome) and inability to develop a thick, supportive uterine lining;

– Significant medical conditions that make carrying a pregnancy risky for a woman’s health (such as hypertension) and other different diseases involving the internal organs, in which child bearing is contraindicated (a large group of diseases that can be of infectious, toxic, thermal, mechanical nature);

– Anatomical changes of the endometrium which have resulted in the loss of receptivity and that is not treatable;

– Chronic reproductive loss. Repeated unsuccessful IVF attempts (not less than 4 embryo-transfers) after obtaining high quality embryos (after an unsuccessful IVF procedure, the patient may use surrogacy or freeze their embryos in order to perform future embryo-transfers as a way to increase the chances of getting pregnant).

Surrogacy process is a big and complicated journey starting from “the decision point” to your trip home with the child. That’s why to make this journey accompanied by Pons Medical team would be much easier for you. Nevertheless, the process of making choices in our life is quite difficult, especially if you need to take a decision that could change your life direction completely.

Is it scary to start a Surrogacy program?

Well, it takes courage to admit your fear. Even from our side, as your companion, we feel excitement with each new client like everything happens for the first time. It takes efforts and a lot of time to be a part of a gradual process of life creation.

The biggest difficulty is that you will never know the crystal clear answer on the main question in your life, until you make the first step. Life is not a book, which you can flip through to know what will be in the end. Life is rather like a series of questions, mistakes and corrections. But ask yourself: won’t you regret not to have taken this huge step towards parenthood in a five years term? Part of you believes that you are doing everything you can in the proper way, but until you try to do everything possible and impossible, some part of you will be punishing yourself for not doing more.

We all have to find our own ways to be happy. We can discuss for hours the reasons why some couples start a Surrogacy program. However, the main point is that Surrogacy has arisen not only because of technical capabilities and the emergence of modern equipment, but also because of the increasing of empathy level and mutual assistance.

Whatever happens, you will never lose if you keep moving. The most important changes in our life are not easy to come by; as usual doubts, concern or obstacles follow them. But good things happen to those who do the right things. We, at Pons Medical believe that all together we can do the right things. For that we just need to make the main decision of our life – the decision to be happy.

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