Pons Medical Research

vitamin D

Important things that you should know about vitamin D

Important things that you should know about vitamin D

In this article we will talk about facts that everyone should know about vitamin D. Taking Vitamin D should be only after measuring it contain in the blood and the doses should be prescribed only by your doctor.

Pons Medical Group is a leading surrogacy agency in Georgia. We recommend consumption of Vitamins should only be under the guidance of our fertility specialist.

Let’s start with the main vitamin. VITAMIN D becomes particularly important during the pregnancy.
1. We recommend you to do the test for vitamin D. Norms of the Georgia association of endocrinologists. * <10 ng / ml – a pronounced deficit; * <20 – deficiency; * 20-30 – insufficiency; * 30-100 – adequate level (target values when correcting the deficit of vit.D – 30-60); *> 150 – a toxic effect is possible.
2. Do not be in a hurry to take vitamin D preparations. Determination of the dose of the preparation is individual and it depends on the genotype.
The second thing that needs to be done is a genetic test for the assimilation of vitamin D.

There are 2 types of genes:

-One DBP is responsible for the transfer of vitamin D.
-Other VDR is responsible for the activity of vitamin D recipient receptors.

If a person has a little amount of receptors, then delivering of vitamin D, large doses of 5000-1000 U, is needed during 2-3 months. If there are many receptors, but the DBP gene-transporter is damaged, then maintenance medium doses of 2000-3000 U are sufficient during 2 months. If the gene-carrier of DBP is damaged and there are few receptors, then high doses of vitamin D need to be taken for a long-term period. When the receptors and the carrier are normal or the changes are insignificant, it is enough to include in the diet products with richer vitamin D content and whenever possible to take sunbaths.

Remember that sun creams block vitamin D. Depending on the place of residence, a person should be in the sun from 12 to 30 minutes with 50% of the body open. If there is no such opportunity every day, then it must be compensated through NUTRITION.

And now the experts are concerned and worried that we’re passing an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency down to the future generations. Studies have shown that Vitamin D deficiency may imprint on an infant for the rest of its life. Infants that are deficient at birth can remain Vitamin D deficient for the first several months after birth, which may put them at risk of developing many chronic diseases much later in life.

Pons Medical Group is a leading surrogacy agency in Georgia. Pons Medical will help you to become parents even in very difficult conditions.

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