Surrogacy in Norway is prohibited by law. Unfortunately, many politicians still support the law despite the pressures infertile couples and the majority of Norwegians exert on political parties and state institutions.
Surrogacy in Norway: Comprehensive Guide to the Surrogacy Process for Norwegian Parents
The number of infertile couples in Norway is visibly growing from year to year. The clearest evidence to this was the statistic provided by the State Statistics Bureau SSB (Statistics Norway) that declared the decline of the women’s fertility rate from 1.71 children per woman in 2016 to 1.62 in 2017 and the decline in the men’s fertility rate from 1.53 to 1.46 children per man during the same years. The report for 2018 year will be updated on the 7 of March 2019, hopefully with more satisfactory numbers.
IVF procedures in Norway
Regrettably, the IVF procedures that are allowed in Norway do not always help childless couples achieve the happiness of parenthood. The Norwegian ban on egg donation means that surrogate motherhood, when fertilized eggs are used by another woman than the one who delivered the baby, cannot be carried out in Norway. This follows from the Law of 5 December 2003, no.100 (Biotechnology Act). Because of that, the number of medical referrals to IVF clinics and agencies that work with surrogacy abroad has rapidly increased lately.
However, surrogacy overseas is still controversial for Norwegians thanks to complicated legal regulations for surrogacy in foreign countries and quite a long Embassy process after the baby’s birth.
Parenthood and Law for Surrogacy
There are no specific rules in Norwegian law about parenthood and filiation in the case of surrogacy abroad. It means that the general rules of establishing maternity, paternity, and adoption will be applied to children born by surrogate mothers overseas. Nevertheless, there are some specific issues in surrogacy cases to focus on.
❗ According to Norwegian nationality law, regardless of the place of birth, a child acquires Norwegian citizenship at birth if either parent is a Norwegian citizen.
Take into consideration that Norwegian authorities do not recognize civil documents issued by another country in case such recognition would be contrary to mandatory laws or be offensive to the legal order (this rule works in case of surrogacy and is written in the Dispute Act, section 19-16).
❗ In that regard, bear in mind that even if you get the birth certificate of a baby, where you appear as legal parents of the child at the end of your surrogacy program in Europe, you have to be ready to establish your paternity rights in the Embassy of Norway one more time.
Important Info for Norwegian Mothers of the Surrogate Baby
Under the Children Act, section 2, chapter 2, the woman who has given birth to the child is regarded as the mother of the child. In the case of surrogacy, it is always a surrogate mother, regardless of the baby’s genetic link to the Intended Mother.
After returning home, the Intended Mother will need to adopt her baby in Norway. The adoption process can be started only after the 2-month age of the baby.
Important Info for Norwegian Fathers of the Surrogate Baby
When a surrogate mother is unmarried, the paternity of the genetic father can be recognized according to section 4 of the Children’s Act. Paternity, in this case, is recognized by the Norwegian Foreign Service mission (Embassy) and usually requires the personal attendance of the parties and a written statement from both the genetic father (about the acknowledgment of the baby) and the surrogate mother (about her acceptance of this fact).
If the woman who gives birth to the child is married and the birth follows the father est rule (i.e., the surrogate mother’s husband is considered a father), the paternity must be transferred from her husband to the Norwegian man.
According to Section 7 of the Children’s Act, paternity can be changed if another man acknowledges the paternity and the recognition is accepted by the child’s mother and former father. In addition, NAV (the Labour and Welfare Administration) must make an assessment if they “find it credible” that the other man is the child’s father. NAV routinely imposes DNA analysis in these cases.
The DNA test is sent to the Norwegian Institute of Public Health in Norway for analysis. It takes approximately 3 weeks to get results in case the DNA test is needed.
Legal Steps for Norwegian Surrogate Fathers
In cases when the child is born by a surrogate mother in Georgia or Armenia, the biological father of the surrogate baby must, according to Norwegian law, contact the National Population Register (Folkeregisteret) for registration of his sole parental responsibility as long as this has been stipulated (must be stipulated) in an agreement. If there is uncertainty regarding the content of the agreement, the National Population Register must obtain necessary documents about the case, including court decisions, authority decisions, and surrogacy contracts.
Once the genetic father has gotten the parental responsibility for the baby, it is time to apply for a national ID number (personnummer). It can be obtained via the Embassy, which will send all necessary documentation to the Norwegian Tax authorities.
Obtaining the Surrogacy Baby’s Passport in Norway
(Norwegian families must first obtain the National ID number and then require a passport for their surrogate baby)
It is not possible to apply for the National ID number and the passport at the same time. All Norwegian citizens must register their personal identification number in the National Register before applying for a passport. According to the information from the Norwegian Embassy, the process of obtaining the ID number takes approximately 6 weeks.
After the paternity rights are established and the ID number of your baby is obtained, the last step is to get the baby’s passport. Common passports are produced in Norway, and it will take about 2-3 weeks before the passport is ready for collection at the Embassy.
In conclusion, we can assume that the Embassy process of obtaining a baby’s passport in case of surrogacy in Georgia or Armenia for Norwegians will take approximately 3 months after the baby’s birth. The continuation of the process (adoption of the baby by the Intended Mother in the Barne-, ungdoms- og familieetaten) will take place in Norway.
That’s why our company strongly recommends getting a professional legal consultation before you are going to use surrogacy services abroad.
Medical Advancements in Surrogacy: A Look at the Future
Surrogacy is continuously evolving, offering more options for Norwegian couples and single men dealing with infertility. Advances in assisted reproductive technology (ART) have made it possible for intended parents to cherish their dreams of parenthood.
Modern techniques in fertilization and embryo transfer allow for the successful use of a donor’s sperm or mother’s eggs, resulting in a biological child.
New advancements clarify pathways to parenthood for both heterosexual couples and same-sex couples, including gay and lesbian couples. Gestational surrogacy, where the surrogate mother carries an embryo created from the intended parent’s genetic material, has become increasingly common. The birth mother gives birth to a child genetically related to the intended parents.
Progress in reproductive health and ART brings new hope to many who want to become parents via surrogacy, whether in Norway or abroad.
Surrogacy for Single Men: Legal and Emotional Considerations

Single men in Norway who want to become parents via surrogacy face unique legal and emotional challenges. Legal issues include surrogacy agreements and permits to become the legal father of the biological child.
The process involves choosing between altruistic surrogacy and commercial surrogacy, where the surrogate mother gives birth to a child using the intended father’s sperm. Assisted reproductive technology, such as embryo transfer, plays a critical role.
Single men must clarify their rights and responsibilities, including those related to the surrogate mother and the resulting child. Emotional support is vital as they cherish their dreams of parenthood.
Legal recognition of the surrogate’s role and the intended parent’s rights are necessary, especially in international surrogacy arrangements.
With proper guidance, single Norwegian men successfully move through the complex pathways to parenthood and achieve their goal of having children through surrogacy.
Surrogacy for Norwegian Gay Couples: Legal and Emotional Considerations
Gay couples in Norway face specific legal, psychological, and social issues when pursuing surrogacy to become parents.
- They steer surrogacy agreements and obtain the necessary permits for surrogacy arrangements, whether altruistic or commercial. Assisted reproductive technology, such as the fertilization of embryos using one partner’s sperm, allows gay men to have a biological child. The surrogate mother carries the pregnancy, giving birth to a child whom the gay couple will cherish.
- Legal recognition of both partners as the child’s parents is required. They must clarify their rights and the surrogate’s role to make sure everything goes smoothly.
- Emotional support is also necessary, as they face unique challenges in surrogacy.
- International surrogacy can add complexity, with varying legal regimes and potential offense to right-wing views.
Despite the mentioned challenges, many gay couples successfully achieve their dreams of parenthood through surrogacy, creating families filled with love and joy.
Georgia and Armenia as Parenting Solutions for Norwegians
Georgia and Armenia have become popular destinations for Norwegian couples and single men seeking surrogacy solutions abroad. They offer surrogacy arrangements that cater to both heterosexual and same-sex couples, providing pathways to parenthood for those facing infertility.
The legal regimes in Georgia and Armenia permit both altruistic surrogacy and commercial surrogacy, which makes them an attractive destination for intended parents.

The second reason why Norwegians choose Georgia and Armenia is surrogacy costs. While the surrogacy process in the USA goes from $130.000, in Georgia and Armenia, surrogacy programs that cover all services cost three times less.
The surrogacy process involves assisted reproductive techniques, such as the fertilization of embryos using the father’s sperm or a donor’s sperm and the birth mother carrying the resulting child.
Legal issues are easily solved and clarified through surrogacy agreements.
Georgia’s and Armania’s supportive legal frameworks and medical facilities help Norwegian couples cherish their dreams of having children through surrogacy. The increased success of surrogacy in Georgia and Armenia highlights their roles as viable solutions for those wanting to become parents via surrogacy abroad.
How Pons Medical Research Continuously Helps Infertile Norwegians
Choosing Pons Medical Research means you’ll receive advanced assisted reproductive techniques tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are a heterosexual couple, a same-sex couple, or a single individual, you’ll find solutions for overcoming infertility. You’ll get expertise in embryo fertilization, using the father’s sperm or a donor’s sperm, combined with a surrogate mother, providing a high success rate in surrogacy arrangements.
You’ll receive clear guidance on complex legal issues surrounding surrogacy agreements, with comprehensive legal support every step of the way. Psychological support will prepare you and all involved parties emotionally for the surrogacy process.
We’ll show you our proven track record, with numerous success stories from Norwegian couples and individuals, demonstrating our commitment to helping you cherish the birth of a child.

You’ll get the support you need to achieve your goal of becoming parents with advanced reproductive health techniques.
We wish you good luck throughout all the surrogacy stages. Never forget: the child’s interests are always the highest priority of every government, no matter how difficult the legal process for establishing your parental rights is.
In the end, any regret will vanish, and you will enjoy the biggest gift of your life.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions about Surrogacy in Norway.
Author: Sukhanova Anna, legal adviser of Pons Medical Group