Six questions and answers about surrogate motherhood

questions about surrogacy

Surrogacy is the solution to overcome infertility related to the impossibility of carrying a child and having a live birth. However, there are many myths and misconceptions about this process, so we decided to shed more light on it. Read more about the causes of male and female infertility in our blog! Read more about […]

My surrogate mother will give birth soon: what should I care about?

surrogacy - baby - delivery

So, there are only a few more steps to become parents. First of all, our congratulations! This point is probably the most worrying part of the whole pregnancy period, so we decided to write a small reminder to you to relief the possible stress. Planning your second visit Few weeks to a few months before […]

Surrogacy and religion

Surrogacy and Religion

Surrogacy is always a hot topic of Internet forums, as it causes a lot of contentious questions from the ethical point of view. As a rule, among the arguments against surrogacy appears theological ones, which have quite strong influence on the people of faith, who suffer from infertility and are afraid to make the step forward that […]

Surrogacy in Spain

surrogacy in Spain

Spain is one of the most incredible countries in the World with lovely people and wonderful patisseries, beautiful architecture, impressive nature and high-quality life standards. Unfortunately, when we are talking about surrogacy, the picture is not so good. In our experience Embassies of Spain all over the World are the most ”picky” related to cases […]

Why should you sign a contract with Pons Medical?

surrogacy contract

Why should you sign a surrogacy contract with us? First I would like to mention that I don’t pretend to list the usual reasons that you would find in other websites or company brochures. I want to have an honest conversation with you, to tell you the truth about the steps you are ready to […]

Surrogacy conflicts: why do they exist?

Surrogacy conflicts

Surrogacy is not a totally regulated field of Law. There are a lot of gaps in legislation, either in the countries, where surrogacy is allowed or banned. Referring to the surrogacy field, we need to remember that it is quite a young method of infertility treatment, for example gestational surrogacy is used from the end […]

Male infertility

Male-Infertility - surrogacy

The reproductive system is a complex mechanism, any detail of which may be impaired due to various pathologies. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, near 50% of male infertility causes cannot be determined. Here we will describe a few of the known causes to increase your awareness and your chances to overcome it. […]

Causes of female infertility

Causes of female infertility

Nowadays problems with having babies increase enormously. Sometimes causes of female infertility are not so evident, and woman starts to ask herself “Why I cannot become pregnant?”. Today we will talk about some reasons of female infertility and timely response to it. What is an infertility? According to World Health Organization, infertility is an inability […]

Surrogacy in Australia

Surrogacy in Australia

There are a lot of talks about legal, ethical and medical parts of Surrogacy. Our Team knows for sure that nothing can stop the Intended Parents, willing to have a child. Today we want to share with you some information related to Surrogacy in Australia, it’s law regulation inside the country and some reasons to […]

Postponed Parenthood

Postponed Parenthood

Nowadays, people want to make a good career, to have a good job and to be independent, both economically and socially. While being busy with their education and future career, unfortunately they put off marriage and then putt off childbearing. Parenthood or career? Today Postponed Parenthood has become one of the big problems people come […]

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