Pons Medical Research

risks of preeclampsia & eclampsia

What are the risks of preeclampsia & eclampsia for pregnant women?

What are the risks of preeclampsia & eclampsia for pregnant women?

Preeclampsia and eclampsia continue to be major contributors to maternal mortality and morbidity. Lack of appreciation for the multi‐organ involvement of preeclampsia, combined with overly rigid criteria for diagnosis, may hinder early diagnosis.

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Pregnant and postpartum women need to know important warning signs and symptoms of preeclampsia. Prompt diagnosis of preeclampsia and appropriate management will improve the quality of care for women.
Preeclampsia is a serious complication during pregnancy, characterized by increased pressure and changes in the functioning of certain organs, for example, kidneys and liver. This condition develops in 5-8% of cases. In the absence of treatment, preeclampsia can turn into eclampsia, a condition that causes seizures and even death. Learn to listen yourself, in time to draw the doctor’s attention to the changes that have appeared in your condition.

1. Increased blood pressure. This can be overlooked on your own, if you do not have a device at home. But at every appointment the doctor will measure blood pressure. Better to buy a tonometer for yourself. So you can monitor your pressure more carefully.

2. A protein in the urine is not an obligatory, but a frequent companion of pre-eclampsia. You can notice its presence only when you pass the analysis. Therefore, do not neglect such a simple study as a general urine test.

3. Rare urination suggests that the kidneys do not function properly. If this happens, immediately consult a doctor, it can be extremely dangerous.

4. Warning! Swelling of the face and hands is a serious cause for concern.

5. Violent headache, especially long-lasting headache, may indicate preeclampsia. Studies show that among women with a secondary headache, about 40% experience preeclampsia.

6. Nausea or vomiting in 2/3 trimesters, when the pregnancy toxaemia has already receded, it is an alarming sign. Tell your fertility specialist about it. Studies show that persistent vomiting and nausea increase the likelihood of pre-eclampsia.

7. A sudden weight gain due to fluid retention in the body (weight gain of more than a kilogram per week) is an unfavorable sign. That is why during the period of observation of the pregnant woman weight is one of the most important indicators.

8. Problems with vision, 20-50% of patients with preeclampsia are suffering from problems with eye-vision (due to the compartment of the optic nerve). The most common patients complaints are blurred vision, flashes of light, spots in front of the eyes, sensitivity to light.

9. Specified reflexes are difficult to notice on their own. Rather, it will be noticed by the doctor at the examination. Exacerbation of reflexes can signal a danger of seizures.

10. Shortness of breath on late pregnancy can be considered the norm, since all organs are under pressure due to a growing baby. However, shortness of breath is also one of the symptoms of pre-eclampsia and can appear due to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs. This condition can also cause a sense of anxiety associated with low levels of oxygen in the body.

11. Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen, you can associate this discomfort with the increase of the abdomens size, the growth of the baby or the baby’s tremors. But it can also indicate problems with the liver. Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen can signal liver edema caused by severe pre-eclampsia.

Pons Medical Group wishes you a healthy pregnancy, full of great emotions and good health!

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