Surrogacy Blog

In our blog about surrogacy, you will find out first-hand experiences, surrogacy guides, medical research, religious articles, and many other useful information and stories. You can go through the entire process understanding everything.

Be relaxed, informed, and prepared for the biggest experience in your life.

Male-Infertility - surrogacy

Male infertility

The reproductive system is a complex mechanism, any detail of which may be impaired due to various pathologies. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, near 50% of male

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Causes of female infertility

Causes of female infertility

Nowadays problems with having babies increase enormously. Sometimes causes of female infertility are not so evident, and woman starts to ask herself “Why I cannot become pregnant?”. Today we will

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Surrogacy in Australia

Surrogacy in Australia

There are a lot of talks about legal, ethical and medical parts of Surrogacy. Our Team knows for sure that nothing can stop the Intended Parents, willing to have a

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surrogate mother

Egg Puncturing

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex series of procedures used to treat infertility or genetic problems and assist with the conception of a child. It is the most effective

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Postponed Parenthood

Postponed Parenthood

Nowadays, people want to make a good career, to have a good job and to be independent, both economically and socially. While being busy with their education and future career,

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Folic acid for pregnant women

Folic acid for pregnant women

 Folic acid for pregnant women Folic acid helps prevent defects of neural tube, which affect the brain (anencephaly) and spinal cord (spina bifida), also it affect the baby’s heart. Neutral

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